Advocacy Updates

ASCA Advocacy Update June 2024

Shortly after ASCA Member School Councils approved 21 new Advocacy Policies (APs) at the Association’s 2024 AGM, newly elected president, Kerry Bodell started ASCA’s advocacy efforts by sending letters to the six (6) Ministers identified in the new Advocacy Policies, and requested a meeting with Education Minister Nicolaides to discuss some of them.

Minister Nicolaides met with the ASCA Executive team on June 4th, and President Bodell highlighted the rationale of the following APs: P24-04 – Equity in Playground Funding, P24-06 – Resource Support for French Immersion Teachers (Available Before Implementation of Curriculum Changes), ER24-02 – Preserve Non-Partisan Elections for Alberta School Board Trustees, P24-03 – Improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in Alberta Classrooms & Shared Environments. The Minister and his staff were very attentive, engaging meaningfully in the discussions, and committing to provide ASCA with information and updates on some of the items discussed.

A subsequent meeting with the Minister has also been requested, to address the eight (8) APs adopted focused on 2SLGBTQI+ students. President Bodell and the ASCA Board of Directors will continue to provide updates and information to ASCA’s Members, as they are received.

President Bodell has also met with several education partners and stakeholders in the last two months, using each of these opportunities to advance ASCA Members’ perspectives on many of the issues and topics identified at the 2024 and previous AGMs.

ASCA’s Advocacy Policy Manual is being updated to reflect the addition of the 21 new Advocacy Policies and will be posted publicly as soon as this work is completed.

As the 2024-2025 ASCA Board of Directors identifies its priorities for the upcoming year, ongoing efforts of Advocacy and Member engagement will remain a strong focus.