Annual General Meeting

One of the most important events for parents on school council is the Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in conjunction with the ASCA School Councils Spring Symposium.

Registration is OPEN - no cost for School Councils to attend the AGM!
Deadline Monday, April 14, 2025 @ 1:00 p.m. Late registrations will not be accepted.

The ASCA 2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM) is Sunday April 27, 2025, to be held online.

2024 AGM Advocacy Resolutions Results

Meeting Documents 2025

The business meeting starts early, and continues until all resolutions proposed for policy are debated and voted upon, as well as election of the new governing Board.

Don't miss an opportunity to be involved, to be heard, and make a difference in public education.

Voting is your Voice

Parents on school council shape the future of Alberta's public education system with input through advocacy resolutions and voting at the ASCA AGM.

Resolutions passed into policy at the AGM form the association perspective as presented to Alberta government and organizations in provincial education.

All school councils with current ASCA membership are eligible to submit Proposed Advocacy Resolutions and send parent representatives to vote on behalf of the school council at the ASCA Annual General Meeting.

Please review the "Membership" page if you are uncertain as to your school councils’ current membership status.

ASCA Advocacy Overview

To influence change in education, school councils in Alberta identify issues in provincial education affecting early childhood services (ECS) to grade 12 students that they would like addressed, changed or resolved, and submit a Proposed Advocacy Resolution Form to ASCA for the discussion and consideration of members attending the AGM.

Resolutions that receive majority support from voting parent school council members at the AGM, or General Meetings, become belief statements, or directives for action, and form advisory positions as Advocacy Policy of the association.

Advocacy Policy is the direction, or guiding statements that represent the views of ASCA members and are presented as the collective voice, or perspective, of parents on school councils in Alberta.

These views are expressed at advisory committee tables when ASCA is invited to work with government, the Education Ministry and other provincial groups, on education policy, programs and practice.

Process Overview

  • Annual General Meeting (AGM) of association members held each spring (April).
  • Call for resolutions requested at the beginning of the school year for the next AGM.
  • Parents on school councils in Alberta identify issues affecting ECS-12 students they would like to see addressed, changed or resolved, in provincial education.
  • School councils “sponsor” a Proposed Advocacy Resolution submitted to ASCA by January 16, 2025. 
  • ASCA works with sponsors of proposed resolutions to finalize intent, wording and formatting for presentation to members.
  • Proposed Advocacy Resolutions distributed to members for discussion in their communities.
  • Pre-meeting materials are processed and members register for the AGM event.
  • Meeting day – voting on the proposed resolutions and additional association business.
  • Resolutions passed become belief statements, advisory positions as Advocacy Policy of ASCA.
  • ASCA forwards the new policies to the Education Ministry and education partner/stakeholders.
  • Advocacy policies are utilized to express the views of members (parents on school council perspectives), when contributing input at provincial education committee meetings.