Division Wide Learning

For School Divisions renewing or requesting ASCA Membership for all their school councils on or before August 31, 2024 they are eligible for a 25% discount on any Division Wide Learning Opportunity requested for their school councils during the 2024-2025 year.

As well, School Divisions renewing or requesting ASCA Membership for all their school councils at any time during the 2024-2025 school year will receive a 25% discount ($375 savings) when asking ASCA to facilitate both (2) new Principal Development ASCA Learning Opportunities: School Councils: What Every Principal Needs to Know and A Principal’s Guide to a Functioning Fundraising Association.

School Divisions can encourage their school councils to engage in professional development and learning opportunities utilizing the Alberta School Council Engagement (ASCE) grant. The government funds each school council with $500 to support and strengthen engagement with parents.

ASCA School Council Learning Opportunities are ASCE grant eligible.

School Divisions often want to coordinate learning for their School Councils (CoSCs, etc.), or multiple School Councils wish to “pool” their ASCE Grant funding to save money and learn together. ASCA offers discounted GROUP pricing, based on the number of School Councils attending the Learning Opportunity.

Rather than paying $400 or $500 each (plus GST), School Councils or School Divisions choosing this option will enjoy the same quality learning at a lower cost with the added benefit of networking and learning from each other as well!

Foundation (Level 1) and Enhancement (Level 2) GROUP pricing Learning Opportunities fees are aligned with the ASCE Grant available to each School Council and offer a substantial discount when a significant majority of school councils in a school division participate. ASCA does not restrict the number or roles of individuals who can attend. Capacity may be limited by a school division for an in-person Learning Opportunity (travel, etc. expenses billed separately), depending on the venue space.


Foundation (Level 1) 90 minutes each - 8 School Council Topic Options

Number of School Councils Attending

Maximum Fee per Learning Opportunity

Cost per School Council (includes GST):

7 – 15

$2400+ GST

$360.00 - $168.00

16 – 30

$3200+ GST

$210.00 - $112.00

31 – 45

$4000+ GST

$134.19 - $93.34

46+ 100

$4800+ GST

$109.57 - $50.40


Enhancement (Level 2) 2 hours each - 2 School Council Topic Options

Number of School Councils Attending

Maximum Fee per Learning Opportunity

Cost per School Council (includes GST)

7 – 15

$3000+ GST

$450.00 - $210.00

16 – 30

$4000+ GST

$262.50 - $140.00

31 – 45

$5000+ GST

$169.35 - $116.66

46 + 100

$6000+ GST

$136.96 - $63.00

*If fewer than 7 School Councils will attend, please contact parents@albertaschoolcouncils.ca for pricing. Please allow up to 5 working days for a response.

School councils can choose to further their learning journey by booking additional Learning Opportunities specific to their school community, or by registering to attend ASCA’s Scheduled Learning Opportunities.

ASCA Learning Opportunities for School Councils are offered online, scheduled throughout the school year for school councils’ registration. BOOK NOW

ASCA is committed to supporting school division’s goals related to the expectations of the Assurance Framework, engaging school councils and communities to participate in ongoing school and system-wide improvements, contributing to success for all students.

Note: For GROUP pricing for Fundraising Association Topics (2 Topic Options), please contact parents@albertaschoolcouncils.ca . Please allow up to 5 working days for a response.