Think Globally Collage Contest

In celebration of International Education Week 2024, Deputy Minister Lora Pillipow is pleased to announce the Think Globally Collage Contest for Alberta’s Kindergarten to Grade 12 students including those enrolled in Alberta’s international accredited schools. This contest encourages students to further their understanding of the differences and connections among the world’s people and places by creating a collage that answers the question, “In my school, how do I interact with the world?” As part of the process, students are encouraged to reflect on their own school experience and provide examples that represent language and culture learning, sharing ideas, perspectives, and values, and strengthening international and intercultural relationships.
This contest, which closes January 15, 2025, will provide students with the opportunity to explore the benefits of international education. International education helps students gain international and intercultural knowledge, skills, and awareness. Students also develop greater understanding and respect for cultural diversity while learning from different perspectives, practices and systems. In an increasingly global world, these global competencies are beneficial for students as they build relationships with international communities here in Alberta and abroad.
If you have any questions about the Think Globally Collage Contest, please contact Waldemar Riemer at or 780-422-1540.
Related materials:
Contest Guide & Entry Form - English Contest Poster - English
Contest Guide & Entry Form - French Contest Poster - French