
ASCA Celebrated 95 years in 2024!

One of the main objectives of ASCA, from its origin through to today, is that parents are seen as partners in education, and vital to student success.

The 2024 conference event marked ASCA’s 95th anniversary … celebrating “the home and school connection focused on the wellbeing of the child”.

2024 95th Anniversary Celebration: Conference Program

ASCA celebrated its 90th year in 2019!

The Association was formed in 1929

The Association was formed in 1929

The ASCA Board of Directors is pleased to present this "Legacy" page with fun facts and historical information about the Association. 2019 Conference Programme

Sept 2, 1922
Meeting first held to discuss forming a Civic, Provincial, and possibly National Federation. Mrs. Alice M. Curtis was appointed Chairman, and there were reps from 10 Parent Teacher Associations.

Mar 31, 1929
Alberta Federation of Home and School Association is formed. First President- Rev. Dr. GW Kerby (Calgary).

Jan 31, 1931
First Alberta Constitution and Bylaws were adopted at Annual Meeting.

In the beginning, it was the mothers who organized themselves to support students. A meeting was held on Saturday, September 2, 1922 to discuss the possibility of forming a Provincial organization to promote the welfare of student in education.  Mrs. Alice M. Curtis was the chairperson for this meeting.

ASCA was originally the Alberta Federation of Home and School Associations and was officially organized on March 31, 1929.

One of the main objectives of ASCA, from its origin through to today, is that parents are seen as partners in education and they are vital to student success.

The first President of the Alberta Federation of Home and School Associations was Reverend Dr. G.W. Kerby from Calgary.  He also served as President of the National Federation of Home and School and Parent- Teacher Association.

A focus on children and advocating for student success from a parent perspective has long been part of the work of ASCA.  For example, in 1947, the theme of the Alberta Federation of Home and School Associations Annual General Meeting was The Children Must Be Canada’s First Concern. 

In 1929 the organization was called the Alberta Federation of Home and School Associations (AFHSA). In 1948 the organization’s name shifted to Alberta Home and School Councils’ Association (AHSCA), and was incorporated as a society. In 2014 the organization became the Alberta School Councils’ Association (ASCA).

2004 Conference Programme (75th year Anniversary)

  • In 1929 the following committees existed for the Alberta Federation of Home and School Associations (now ASCA):

Finance – Mrs. Blatchford

Elementary Schools – Mrs. Walshaw

Secondary Schools – Mrs. Ryan

Regular Education – Mrs. Nlrich

Physical Education – Mrs. Hartman

Visual Education – Mrs. Playdon

Home Science – Mrs. Bathers

School Science – Mrs. Thomas

League of Nations – Mrs. Malthouse

  • In 2019 the following committees have supported the work of ASCA during the 2018-2019 term:

Internal Finance - Jacquie Surgenor

Community Engagement - Shelley Odishaw and Brandi Rai

Advocacy and Governance - Hollie Tarasewich

Board Resolutions - Jacquie Surgenor and Rick Sakundiak

Recognition and Awards - Lisa Arlint and Jaelene Tweedle

Legacy - Shelley Odishaw and Brandi Rai

*  The shift in the type of committees reflects the shift of ASCA’s Board to a governance model.

AHSCA Presidents

1932- Mrs. A.M. Curtis

1933/1934- no info

1935- Mrs. A.M. Curtis

1936 / 1937/ 1938- Mrs. A.R. Ryan

1939- Mrs. S.A. Bartlett

1940- Mrs. J.R. Lockwood

1941 / 1942 / 1943 / 1944- Mrs. T.K. Lockwood

1945 / 1946- Mr. G. F. Bruce

                ***1945- Honorary President- Hon. R Earl Ansley, Minister of Education

                ***1945- Honorary Life Member- A.M. Curtis

1947- Mr. Monroe McLeod

1948 / 1949- Mrs. A.N. Hutchenson

                ***1949- Honorary Life President- A.M. Curtis

1950 / 1951 / 1952- Mrs. E. Boalch

1953- Mr. J.E. Simpson

1954 / 1955- Mrs. D.A. Hansen

1956- no info

1957 / 1958- Mrs. W.E. Hodgdon

1959 / 1960- Mr. R.H. Jeacock

1961 / 1962- Mrs. R.V. McCullough

1963 / 1964- Mr. C.H. Linn

1965 / 1966- Mrs. G.A. Garbutt

1967 / 1968- Mrs. Mary K. Green

1969- Mrs. T.A. Haddow

1970 / 1971- Mrs. J.A. Lore

1972 / 1973- Mrs. Edith Hnytka

1974 / 1975- Mrs. Jean Jackson

1976 / 1977- Mrs. Doris Christie

1978- Mrs. Janet Anderson

Former Presidents of ASCA

Brandi Rai 2020-2024

Allison Purcell-Pike 2016 - 2020

Brad Vonkeman 2012 - 2016

Marilyn Sheptycki 2008 - 2012

Trina Boymook 2006 - 2008

Orvella Small 2003 - 2005

Marilyn Fisher 2000 - 2002

Christine Ayling 1998 - 1999

Elizabeth Dobrovolsky 1996 - 1997


(Note - attempts are being made to locate information for missing years. Please contact parents@albertaschoolcouncils.ca if you have information.)