School construction reaches warp speed
Alberta’s population has seen unprecedented growth, and because of this growth student enrolment in kindergarten to Grade 12…
School Transportation Amendment Regulation
From: EDC Minister Sent: Monday, December 16, 2024 3:02 PMTo: EDC Minister Subject: School Transportation Amendment Regulation…
Limiting distractions in Alberta’s classrooms
To safeguard student mental health and reduce distractions, new standards will limit the use of personal mobile devices in classrooms…
More teachers for rural Alberta | Un plus grand nombre d’enseignants dans l’Alberta rurale
New funding for student spaces in two post-secondary education programs will help recruit and train rural, remote and Indigenous…
New draft social studies curriculum ready to pilot
Elementary students and teachers will benefit from an updated K-6 draft social studies curriculum and new resources in classrooms…

Alberta School Councils Conference
Conference celebrates parents as partners in education for 95 years Marking its 95th Anniversary, the Alberta School Councils’…
More career education for students
Alberta’s government is investing more than $4 million into dual credit grants to support young Albertans as they transition…
Draft social studies curriculum: Join the conversation
Albertans are once again invited to provide feedback on key learnings in the new draft social studies curriculum. Over the last…
Funding boost fuels school nutrition programs
A one-time $5-million grant will expand the province’s school nutrition program to provide more students with well-rounded…
Preserving choice for children and youth
Alberta’s government is introducing policies to make sure children are supported as they grow into adults to become the people…
Supporting Indigenous student success
Twelve Indigenous organizations from across the province will receive $3 million in funding from the Bridging Classrooms to Communities…
Albertans’ priorities for new social studies curriculum
Albertans are looking for a stronger focus on history and global events in the new social studies curriculum. Alberta’s government…
Strengthening security for at-risk schools
Alberta’s government is increasing funding for security infrastructure and officer presence at Islamic and Jewish faith-based…
More funding for student enrolment | Du financement supplémentaire pour les inscriptions scolaires
Alberta’s government is investing an additional $30 million to enable school authorities to better address enrolment growth. …
MEDIA RELEASE ASCA Auction Fundraiser
Alberta School Councils’ Association (ASCA) Online Silent Auction Fundraiser opens November 18, 2023 at 4:00 pm MST. The second…
Talking to Albertans about new social studies curriculum
Alberta’s government is beginning a transparent and collaborative process to engage Albertans and education partners to redraft…