Benefits of Membership

Added Member and Division Benefits for 2024-2025

An added benefit for our 2024/2025 Membership year is that ASCA Member School Councils will receive a 25% discount on any Scheduled Learning Opportunities (SLOs) and specific Individual Workshops which are not offered within the SLOs. Schedules, descriptions, and pricing will be updated available in August.

For School Divisions renewing or requesting ASCA Membership for all their school councils on or before August 31, 2024 they are eligible for a 25% discount on any Division Wide Learning Opportunity requested for their school councils during the 2024-2025 year.

As well, School Divisions renewing or requesting ASCA Membership for all their school councils at any time during the 2024-2025 school year will receive a 25% discount ($375 savings) when asking ASCA to facilitate both (2) new Principal Development ASCA Learning Opportunities: School Councils: What Every Principal Needs to Know and A Principal’s Guide to a Functioning Fundraising Association.

School councils in Alberta benefit from the advocacy representation and supports the Alberta School Councils' Association (ASCA) provides.

Members Only Website Section - submit form to gain access

School Councils are legislated in the Education Act of Alberta to provide a means for parents to be engaged and involved in public education. ASCA is the provincial association representing the parent voice on school council in provincial education.

Parents on school councils in Alberta submit resolutions to effect change(s) in education for the benefit of student success. Proposed resolutions presented at the ASCA Annual General Meeting (AGM) that receive majority support are passed into association policy that is utilized for input at provincial meetings and committee work with the Education Ministry.

The significance of membership in the association is to provide school councils with a ‘voice’ at the provincial level in public education.

ASCA publishes the Alberta School Council Resource Guide (English). The resource guide provides information about the education system in Alberta, roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in education and specific information for school council operations.

ASCA provides a confidential phone consultation line to assist with information, resources and support for Member School Councils.
TOLL FREE 1-800-661-3470 or 780-454-9867 in Edmonton.

School councils may request workshops (delivered online) on a variety of topics and information relevant to school council effectiveness.

Member School Councils of ASCA have access to online resources - video recordings and documents including templates, checklists, samples, tipsheets and promotional materials.

ASCA members receive regular communications, bulletins, information and eNews to be aware of issues and updates in education.

Recognized by the government and others in provincial education, ASCA presents the parent perspective on issues in public education.

ASCA Member School Councils are eligible to:

    • Submit a Proposed Advocacy Resolution for policy consideration;
    • Vote on agenda items at General Meetings of the Association;
    • Speak to any agenda item at General Meetings of the Association;
    • Vote for candidates running for President, Vice President and Director positions;
    • Sponsor an eligible parent school council member to run for election on the Board of Directors;
    • Participate on Board committees as invited;
    • Participate on the School Council Engagement Task Force;
    • Pay reduced fees, if any, for attendance at ASCA events;
    • Examine the books and records of the Association.

ASCA Brochure          ASCA Core Business