The Education Ministry

Alberta Education

Alberta Education supports students, parents, teachers and administrators from Early Childhood Services (ECS) through Grade 12.

Education Ministry Business Plan 2024-27

Education Ministry Annual Report 2021-22

Education Funding Model

Funding Manual for School Authorities

Annual Alberta education guide contains key information and requirements to operate and deliver ECS to Grade 12 education.   Guide to Education (Digital publication)  Guide de l’éducation

School Councils in Alberta

Alberta School Council Engagement (ASCE) Grant

Teacher discipline in Alberta

Student population statistics
School and authority enrolment data, including special education statistics by code.


Through safe and caring schools for all students, Alberta’s government is making life better by investing in education – one of the most important investments we can make in our future.

The Ministry has the following responsibilities:

  • develop curriculum and set standards
  • evaluate curriculum and assess outcomes
  • teacher development and certification
  • support students with diverse learning needs
  • fund and support school boards
  • First Nations, Métis and Inuit and Francophone education
  • oversees basic education policy and regulations

K to 12 Provincial Assessment

K to 12 provincial assessment - Diploma exams, Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs) students in grades 6 and 9, and Student Learning Assessments (SLAs) Grade 3 Students. (to help assure the public that students are meeting provincial standards).