The provincial organization representing parents on school councils in Alberta.
Parents bring a valuable perspective to the establishment and review of provincial goals for education and the success of all students.
ASCA advocates on behalf of member school council parents with the Education Ministry to affect positive change in Alberta schools.
Parents on school councils shape the future of Alberta's public education system with input through advocacy resolutions presented at the ASCA provincial Annual General Meeting (AGM).
To influence change in education, school councils in Alberta identify issues in provincial education affecting ECS-12 students that they would like addressed, changed or resolved, and submit a Proposed Advocacy Resolution Form to ASCA for the discussion and consideration of members attending the AGM. Deadline for consideration for the 2025 AGM is: Wednesday, January 16th, 2025 at 12:00 noon!
*NEW* for 2025! Former ASCA Vice President and current ASCA Instructor - Shelley Odishaw - has offered to assist any ASCA Member School Council considering submitting a Proposed Advocacy Resolution. There is no cost to this new service! Email shelley.odishaw@albertaschoolcouncils.ca if you're interested in learning more!
Resolutions that receive majority support from voting parent school council members at the AGM, or General Meetings, become belief statements, or directives for action, and form advisory positions as Advocacy Policy of the association.
Advocacy Policy is the direction, or guiding statements that represent the views of ASCA members and are presented as the collective voice, or perspective, of parents on school councils in Alberta.
These views are expressed at advisory committee tables when ASCA is invited to work with government, the Education Ministry and other provincial groups, on education policy, programs and practice.
All school councils with current ASCA membership can sponsor (submit) a Proposed Advocacy Resolution, and register parent representatives to attend and vote on behalf of their school council, for the ASCA Annual General Meeting.