Supporting students with disabilities
Alberta’s government is investing $5 million for the 2023-24 school year to support students with low incidence disabilities.…

Minister Nicolaides' Back to School Letter
Minister Nicolaides' Back to School Letter (September 6, 2023) Pièce Jointe Lettre Du Ministre Pour La Rentrée Scolaire (FR)…
Minister of Education mandate letter
Premier Danielle Smith has issued a mandate letter to Minister of Education Demetrios Nicolaides calling on him to ensure Alberta…
Bringing Indigenous communities, schools together
Alberta’s government will provide more than $10 million to Indigenous partners through the new Bridging Classrooms to Communities…
More support for low-income students
Alberta’s government is increasing the Alberta Student Grant to make post-secondary education more affordable for more than…
Helping kids improve their mental health in schools
Alberta’s government is expanding mental health supports in schools to support positive mental health outcomes for children…
Alberta School Councils Conference
Alberta School Councils’ Association connects parents in education The first in person gathering since 2019, the Alberta School…
More funding going into Alberta classrooms
Alberta’s government is increasing funding over the next three years to address complexities in the classroom. Alberta’s…
French and science curriculums ready for classrooms | Curriculums de Français et de Sciences prêts pour les salles de classe
Elementary students and teachers will benefit from updated K-6 curriculums and resources in classrooms this fall. Alberta’s…
New curriculum ready for francophone schools | Nouveau curriculum prêt pour les écoles francophones
Francophone teachers and students will benefit from updated K-6 French curriculum and resources in September. French is an integral…
Safer, more affordable school transportation
Alberta’s government is investing in transportation so more students can take the bus, rural students have shorter rides and…
Supporting more students in classrooms | Appuyer un plus grand nombre d’élèves dans les classes
Budget 2023 provides more than $820 million over the next three years to support enrolment growth in schools. Based on strong…
Investing in new schools, modernized spaces
Alberta’s government is investing $2.3 billion over the next three years, for new and modernized classrooms. Budget 2023 supports…
Budget 2023: Securing children’s futures | Budget 2023 : Assurer l’avenir des enfants
Budget 2023 secures Alberta’s future with historic investments in education to match increasing enrolment in schools, meet…
Budget 2023: Securing Alberta’s future
Budget 2023 secures Alberta’s future by growing the economy, creating good-paying jobs, strengthening health care and education,…
More funding for schools to close learning gaps
Alberta’s government is doubling its 2022-23 funding commitment to combat learning disruptions in the early grades and address…