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The ASCA Board of Directors is pleased to have received over 250 registrations to attend the 2024 Virtual Engagement Event on Saturday, November 23, 2024. In addition, the Board is grateful to event sponsor Fitset Ninja, and founder Tim Gourlay, for supporting this important event! See the results of the Advocacy Priorities Poll and Event Evaluations here.
While an unforeseen circumstance prevented Keynote Speaker Tammy Schamuhn from joining ASCA's 2024 Virtual Engagement Event, the Institute of Child Psychology hopes that parents and educators will take advantage of two (2) free webinars it offers: Introduction to Play Therapy and Understanding Childhood Trauma. For more information on these webinars, please visit: https://instituteofchildpsychology.com/freewebinars/
Attendees participated in a form of "fire-side" chat instead, providing examples of how their school councils and communities are actively contributing to positive mental health for students and staff. Those posted and captured in the Chat window of the meeting are available here.
ASCA Past President Brandi Rai provided delegates with a brief summary of a few key education issues on which ASCA has been active in its Advocacy for its Member School Councils.
Delegates appreciated meeting and engaging with Kindy Joseph, Assistant Deputy Minister, Program and System Support Division. ADM Joseph answered many questions from delegates, and committed to providing written responses to any she didn't have time to answer. A letter containing four (4) unasked/answered questions was sent to ADM Joseph on November 25th. Responses will be posted here when received.